Found: 4
Strydenburg Municipality
Liebenberg Street
Strydenburg, 8765
Tel 053 683 0016
Strydenburg is situated on the R12 from Cape Town to Johannesburg via
Kimberley. Strydenburg ('the town of strife') received its rather
doleful name ...
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Ratings: 0
The Regional Tourism Office
Private Bag X1012, De Aar, 7000
Tel 053 631 0891
Fax 053 631 2529
CITIES/TOWNS: Britstown, Belmont, Campbell, Carnarvon, Colesberg,
Copperton, De Aar, Douglas, Griquatown, Hanover, Hopetown, Hutchinson,
Loxton, ...
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1
TOWNS: Bethulie, Edenburg, Gariep Dam, Fauresmith, Jacobsdal,
Jagersfontein, Koffiefontein, Luckhoff, Petrusburg, Phillipolis,
Reddersburg, Rouxville, Smithfield, Springfontein, Strydenburg,
Trompsburg, Zastron.
On the southern border of the Free State ...
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1
Found: 4
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